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buying a house for sale by owner

Buy & Get Paid

Are you selling your house and looking to purchase another one? We can help you with your purchase and represent you as a buyer and the fun thing is you gain more dollars by working with us through our rebate options.

Option 1:

If you found the house you need on your own and want us to represent you as a buyer, you will receive a cash rebate of 1% of selling price up to $4,000 upon successful closing (some restrictions may apply).

Option 2:

If you sell your property with us and we help you find another one and we represent you as a buyer, you will receive a cash rebate of 0.5% of selling price up to $4,000 upon successful closing (some restrictions may apply).

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Looking to buy a home in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area, or throughout Minnesota?

We’re Here to Help

Every buyer has different needs selecting a Minnesota home to buy. There are countless factors to keep in mind, from family size, budgetary constraints, location, community and more. Our job at Real Estate Corners, Inc. is to identify your needs as a client and help you get where you want to be as easily and smoothly as possible.

If you’d like to get started and have us working for you, please let us know about the kind of home you’re looking for. If you would like to speak with one of our qualified flat fee real estate agents personally, please contact us.