If you’re selling your home on your own, you could save thousands of dollars on agent commission fees. But it can be hard to expand your listing’s reach. If you choose to do everything yourself, you might waste a lot of time and effort entering details on various public listing sites without getting results. Moreover, there is a risk of missing out on opportunities for your property to get noticed by real estate brokers and agents. To avoid all the legwork and hassle, you can get your property listed on the MLS online in Minnesota.
Why be in the MLS?
Many real estate agents use the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) to sell and market the properties they represent. Additionally, brokers use it to look for listings to recommend to their potential buyers. So, by placing your home on the MLS, it’s exposed to thousands of real estate agents and buyers in MN, giving it the potential to sell faster.
That said, only licensed real estate agents have access to the MLS. That means you need to work with one to get your property listed there. But don’t worry because that doesn’t have to be expensive when you work with a flat-fee Realtor that can do it for you for a small fee.
How does it work?
Find a reputable flat-fee realty company specializing in listing properties on the MLS online in Minnesota and choose one of its For Sale By Owner (FSBO) packages. Complete a few forms and submit photos of your property. After receiving your signed forms, the company will list your property on the MLS within 24 hours. If you need to make changes, simply contact the service provider, and they will do it for you.
Once your home is on the MLS, it will also be displayed on other reputable property search listings websites, like Zillow, Realtor.Com, and Trulia. Reputable MLS listings providers can also assist in other ways, like facilitating the transaction, printing brochures, yard signs and more to support your selling efforts.
Get started today!
Contact us here at Real Estate Corners! Our MLS online flat-fee service in Minnesota starts at $299. We’ll help you save money without cutting corners, so you can sell your home efficiently and more profitably.