How to list your home on MLS by owner? Can For Sale By Owner list on the MLS?
The multiple listing service (MLS) is the most dynamic selling tool in place today to sell properties around the country. Every realtor uses the MLS to show his/her clients homes in your area. If you’re not on the MLS they won’t find your house, this is easily the best and fastest way to sell your property As for sale by owner.
There are some homeowners who are wondering if they can list their home on the MLS themselves to save the listing commission, and how can it be done. The short answer is NO, to list your home on the MLS, you’ll need to have a licensed Realtor to assist you. There are few Brokers who are willing to work with “for sale by owner “customers for a small fee. There are few steps you need to take in consideration to get your property on the MLS:
- Do the search: You need to do the research to Find the Best Flat Fee MLS Broker in Your Area. Read Brokers reviews and see what previous customers have to say about their experience with the Brokers and their services.
- Go for the local: You need to make sure that you look for a local broker who knows your market and is a member of the local MLS where the property exists vs national companies who subcontract your business to someone that you didn’t have the chance to review.
- Know the services you are getting: Compare packages between different brokers and see what services you are getting, and make sure the broker is very responsive to inquiries, time is of the essence in this business.
- Sign the agreement: Ones you picked up a Broker to work with, you will be asked to sign an agreement laying out all the listing terms, and you will be asked to send your photos as well unless other arrangements made.
- Review the listing information: Ones the Broker receives your signed documents along with your photos, he/she will be able to list the house on the MLS for you and probably will send you a link to review the listing to make sure all information are accurate and No typos or error.
- Responsibilities & available Help: Now that your home is listed on the MLS, you are responsible for coordinating showings, reviewing & negotiating offers and arranging closing with all parties involved in the sale of your home. Do you feel nervous doing all that because it’s your first time and your lack of skills stopping you? No worries, most of the Flat Fee Brokers such as Real Estate Corners can offer you a facilitation services for a small fee.
Now are you ready to sell your home? Do you want to take control of your assets? Do you want to save thousands of dollars selling your home? If your answers are yes, please visit our website at www.realestatecorners.com to explore our “for sale by owner” package or our discounted flat fee full service. If you have any questions or need to learn more, please give us a call at (612) 483-1230